
Like other sectors, for the agricultural sector the environmental regulations are usually found in the Activities Decree and/or in the 'All-in-one Permit for Physical Aspects'. Especially for livestock farming, there is a system of several acts and decrees.

Most livestock farming is regulated by the Activity Decree. This Decree contains rules for - among others- odour and ammonia from lifestock farming.

Bigger farms need a All-in-one Permit for Physical Aspects environment. Dutch acts (called the Wet geurhinder en veehouderij and the Wet ammoniak en veehouderij) contain rules likewise the rules in the Activity Decree for odour and ammonia from lifestock farming.

For dust, there is a framework to assey the dust from the livestock farming. Part of it is the All-in-one- Permit for dust.

Also an All-in-one Permit for Physical Aspects environmental impact assessment is needed in some cases, depending on the amount of animals. Also an All-in-one- Permit for manure fermentation can be needed.

Besides all this, a Dutch Decree called the Besluit emissiearme huisvesting contains general binding emission limit values for ammonia and dust for intensive lifestock farming.

This way, the Industrial Emissions Directive (2010/75/EU) that regulates intensive livestock farming, is implemented in the Netherlands.
