Circular Textiles – Ready to Market

On 15th February 2019 the Circular Textiles – Ready to Market event was held in Amsterdam. It was attended by over 120 participants across the textiles industry.


Participants from ECAPs nine fibre to fibre trials each did a short presentation on their experience from the project, their learnings and their plans for the future. Each of them started with a high-energy fashion show demo to showcase their recycled fibre clothing and materials.

There were also a number of workshops in the afternoon which covered leanings and insights from other areas of the project including sustainable design, new business models, consumer engagement and collection & recycling of discarded clothes and textiles.

The project ran for three and a half years, ending in March 2019. Research, case studies and recommendations will be shared on the ECAP website for years thereafter to help the sector continue its path to sustainability.

Read the booklet produced for the event and the presentations on the day.


ECAP and used textiles

The European Clothing Action Plan (ECAP) has the overall aim of reducing clothing waste across Europe and embedding a circular economy approach into Europeans' provision, access to and consumption of clothing. One of the work packages under ECAP aims to reduce clothing waste to landfill and incineration by increasing collection, reuse and recycling of post-consumer clothing.


This document (pdf, 1.4 MB) is aimed at professionals engaged in used textile collection and processing in municipalities, waste companies, charities and private textile collectors across Europe. It provides an overview of relevant issues and links to useful resources where you can find out more. Topics covered include relevant policy, collection methods and quantities and developments.